About Us


CALEXS is a cultural exchange agency which provides students from the Dominican Republic the opportunity to immerse in the U.S. culture through cultural exchange programs. Our story began back in 2011 with the emergence of DOFASPRO firm founded by Dr. Fello Jarvis, which was primarily dedicated to recruiting and sending students to CANADA to participate in cultural exchange programs (study, work & travel). Over the past years and with the rise of cultural exchange programs in the Dominican Republic, DOFASPRO experienced exponential growth which demanded a new business model and market strategies. As a consequence and seeing the emerging opportunities in other countries, at the end of 2019 the company decided to expand its borders and started offering programs to the USA & UK, and this is how CALEXS, SRL emerged. Today, CALEXS and DOFASPRO work as an integrated unit offering cultural exchange programs in 3 of the most developed countries in the world (CANADA, USA & UK).

Meet The Team

Dr. Fello Jarvis

General Manager

Dr. Fello Jarvis

General Manager

With over 10 years of experience offering cultural exchange programs to Canada in the prestigious DOFASPRO firm of which he cofounded, among them: Study and work programs. He has been dedicated primarily to recruiting skilled workers for Canadian companies and recruiting students for English & French language colleges in Canada. For 11 years he served as administrative director of the Center for Newcomer Information Toronto – CENITO of which he co-founded. For more than 24 years, Mr. Jarvis has exercised the practice of immigration and refugee law in Toronto-Ontario (Canada).

In Canada, Dr. Jarvis has obtained a Bachelor degree in Legal Assistance with top honors from Stratford; a Bachelor of Immigration Consultant from Humber College, a Bachelor of Police Science degree from the CIS Institute; a graduate of the Immigration Law and its administration of Richmond School. He has a Law degree from UNICARIBE University in the Dominican Republic, and two certificates from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), both from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences. He has also completed studies at different universities in Europe such as: International Law in Action: The Arbitration of International Disputes by the Leiden University; European Business Law…

Eng. Shanell Perez

Eng. Shanell Perez

Programs Coordinator

With a tremendous passion for youth advancement, Shanell has been a promoter of cultural exchange programs in the Dominican Republic. He had the privilege to participate four times in the Work & Travel program and Volunteering opportunities in the USA and experience first-hand the great impact of cultural exchange.

In the DR, Shanell obtained a degree in Electromechanical Engineering from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD). He got a degree in Business administration and entrepreneurship. He studied Languages at the University Of Acción Pro Educación Y Cultura (APEC). 

A.S. Endri Seferi

A.S. Endri Seferi

Program Director

“Not all of us can do great things. But we all can do small things with great love”. These words from Mother Teresa, an Albanian Saint and Peace Nobel Prize winner for her humanitarian work, inspired Endri at an early age. 

A graduate in computer science. After a great experience on the “Summer Work & Travel” program, Endri decided to share his experiences and advise other students on how to get the most out of the SWT program.  He worked with the students at Kouzon, a cultural exchange agency in Albania, before transferring his studies to the USA. Always willing to serve, he is engaged in many youth organizations with the main focus on humanitarian activities and cultural exchange.

Our Philosophy

CALEXS recognizes that the answer to many of the challenges we face in sustaining our society lie in creating more opportunities for the youth, which allow them to grow both personal and professional.

Providing students with the opportunity to live in a multicultural society not only expand their understanding of the world, but teach them amazing things about human values, psychology and culture. From abroad, we are able to see the world with a new perspective. From abroad, the borders that separates us become arbitrary lines. From abroad, it is clear that there is much more that unites than divides us.

What is driving US

We fervently believe that youth are a positive force in society who have enormous potential for contributing to the development of our communities. They will be the leaders of coming generations and it is our responsibility to provide them with the necessary tools and guidance to succeed in life.

In the past, the Dominican Republic was considered to be a country of low-opportunities for the youth, however, recently there have been great changes which are driving the millennials in this small part of the world. CALEXS is committed to fostering these changes forward. We believe that every student should have the opportunity to be part of these life-changing experiences.

Our Vision

Create ethical young leaders and awaken their entrepreneurial spirit aiming to foster the development of our communities.

Our Core Values


We promote an environment where difference is valued and respected


We push students to take a leap into the unknown with an open and receptive mindset to all life lessons it brings with it


We seek to open new doors for the youth of our country

Passion & Purpose-driven

We love what we do and know where we are heading

Quality of Service

Students are our number one priority and that is why we’re committed to providing the highest level of service

Teamwork & Collaboration

We apply synergy toward a common objective

Win Win

Every action we take must benefit every person involved


Every action we take is framed on strong ethical principles

Social Value

We seek to contribute to the long-term development and wellbeing of our communities


We promote personal and professional development


We strive to inspire youth to be ethical leaders

Continuous Learning & Improvement

We strive to be better every day and learn new things that help us achieve our goals


The best learning experiences in life are the ones we enjoy


Every relationship is built upon confidence, honesty, transparency…


Santo Domingo,
Dominican Republic





